5 Ways to Increase Happiness

Global Peace Foundation
March 20, 2013

The act of serving increases happiness. This list is based on the Huffington Post Article on International Day of Happiness, 5 Ways to Activate You Happiness, by Randy Taran.

  1. SERVICE: Research proves that 5 acts of kindness a week increased happiness. Find a way to be kind to others in small and big ways.
  2. SPEND TIME FOR HAPPINESS: $ doesn’t make you happy, how you spend your time does. Spend time with the right people and on the right activities.
  3. ENJOY CHALLENGES: When you are challenged just enough, you lose track of time as you engage in your activity. Randy Taran calls it the “flow.” It feels good to feel the flow.
  4. RIGHT MINDSET: You choose your mindset when facing challenges. You can be defeated, or see an opportunity, choose wisely.
  5. GRATITUDE: Randy Taran wrote that making a  daily gratitude lists increases alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism and energy. Count your blessings.

UN Resolution 66/281, declared March 20, International Day of Happiness. This was spearheaded by the nation of Bhutan that has been promoting the Gross Happiness Index as a measure of national development. The UN recognized that happiness is a “universal” and “fundamental human goal. It further acknowledged that happiness and well-being should be better understood and considered when constructing public policies. ,

Ways ACT on International Day of Happiness:

A: Affirm the pledge
C: Cheer Happy Heroes
T: Take part

Randy Taran is founder of Project Happiness and author of the original Huffington Post article.

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