PEACE! Project: Hindu Temple Cleanup

Global Peace Foundation
November 27, 2016

Global Peace Foundation Indonesia held their most recent Peace!Project on November 27th in Pura Adhitya Jaya Rawamangun, Jakarta, and other cities around Indonesia, including Makassar, Bangka Belitung, and Palangkaraya. One team of volunteers cleaned a local Hindu temple and later 8 participated in a dialogue identifying universal principles shared by different faiths.

The Peace!Project’s mission is to bring people together with the purpose to live for a greater good through campaigns, discussion, and volunteerism to spread the message of peace beyond religion, organization, and government.

Religious intolerance is a hot issue on Indonesia’s national stage. Home to one of the largest Muslim populations, the country is filled with many people who strive to uphold the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, or Unity in Diversity. It is a privilege for the nation to be able to live in harmony with each other.

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